The Maui Ocean Center (the Aquarium) has a big shark tank. If you've been there, the tunnel thru the tank where all the sharks and rays swim past. They've got a program so you can go and scuba dive in that tank! My perfect wife Becci gave me that dive as a Valentines day present.

There are 24 sharks in the tank, of 6 different types. Can see I think 6 sharks in this, at least 2 different types.

Some little hammerheads(!)

This spotted Eagle Ray is very friendly. She will come and take clams out of your hand to eat. very soft, like wet suede.

Another with a bunch of sharks. I think the one in the back is the Tiger shark, the biggest one in the tank, 6+ feet.

They got very close. The closest one had its fin about 2 inches from my hand. They said they don't always like to be touched, so I didn't grab it :)

Becci was in the tunnel watching and took some great pictures too:

Michael and sharks.

Michael feeding the ray


Just plain scary.

To top off the day, we went to Lahaina for lunch and stopped at the scenic overlook on the way back. seconds after we had parked, whales started breaching. (Jumping nearly out of the water.) They were only about 1/2 mile out, so we could even hear the spashes when they hit the water. Got out the camera, but never got a picture of that...and this blurry blob is the best photo I took that actually has a whale in it. I've got some nice ones of the sky and empty ocean.

Feb 18, 2006.