

GetRight® Channels: How It Works

The GetRight Channels use the standard RSS/Podcast XML data files. There is a little bit extra added to the usual podcast file so GetRight can show the correct information window--several new XML tags. If you make a Podcast with the same tags, you can have GetRight or any other program that supports the tags prompt too.

Any podcast program that supports non-music files will work--they will just download the files without the extra information and confirmation prompts that GetRight will do. Or any program that supports RSS feeds would tell you if there were new items.

We're calling it an OknoCast.

  1. You get to say OK or No to downloading the file.
  2. Okno is the word for Window in Russian and it's popping up an informational Window. It is quite a cool coincidence the Russian word is the combination of OK and No.
  3. Seemed a little better and less self-serving than calling it a "GetRightCast" or "MichaelBurfordCast"!

New XML Tags

These are added in the <item> tag of an RSS/Podcast feed.
This is the URL for the page to be shown for the confirmation window.

The window title to use for the confirmation window.

The width of the web-browser within the confirmation window. The window is a bit bigger than this with the addition of the borders.

The height of the web-browser within the confirmation window. The window is bigger than this with the addition of the borders, title, and area for the buttons.

If the window is informational only, so should not have the OK and No buttons. (Can also be used if you're doing your own buttons with the web page--see below.)

Web Page HTML Tips

Web Page HTML Tips
  • Including <base target="_blank"> in your web page will make any links always open a new window.

  • Some extra Body tags <BODY SCROLL=NO TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 ...> will eliminate the scrollbar and stretch the page to the very edges.

    Web Page URL Tags
  • To close the window, use the "url" button:close or add ?close or &close to the URL in any <A HREF=... tags. If one of these links is clicked, a new web browser window will open and the GetRight window will close. (When the page is opened the ?close or &close part is removed.) So you should use either the BASE tag or the TARGET item to have a new window opened. A tag would look like <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank"> You could also just close without opening a new window using <A HREF="button:close" TARGET="_self">

  • To add a download, use the "url" add:url or add ?add or &add to the URL in any <A HREF=... tags. The URL is added as a download in GetRight (with the ?add or &add part removed) The window will not be closed. You should use TARGET="_self" with this one.

  • To add a download and close the window, use the "url" addclose:url or add ?addclose or &addclose to the URL in any <A HREF=... tags. You should use TARGET="_self" with this one.

  • To show the Options window, use the "url" button:options or add ?options or &options to the URL in any <A HREF=... tags. For one of GetRight's built in ones, this will show the configuration page, for any others it shows the Podcast Manager. This one won't do anything else with the URL item, so it should be this to be sure and prevent a new browser window opening: <A HREF="button:options" TARGET="_self">

  • You could combine several of these, along with the Okno:NoButtons to do a very customized window!
  • GetRight